Health Benefits of Taking a Bath

Apr 07, 2022

Beautiful young woman reading book while taking bath at home

A lot of people find that taking a bath can be a relaxing experience and a great way to unwind after a long day or week. But did you know there are numerous health benefits related to taking a bath? In this article for National Stress Awareness Day, we’ll explore the various mental and physical health benefits of taking a bath that go beyond basic hygiene.

Improve Your Mood

If you’ve ever taken a bath as a way to relax or treat yourself to some “me time,” you’re probably already aware that taking a bath is a great way to relieve stress and improve your mood. A warm bath can be a very soothing experience, especially when you add other pleasant sensory experiences to bath time. Whether it’s playing your favorite music, adding some ambient candlelight, or adding some aromatherapy, a bath can provide the ideal environment for decreasing stress hormones like cortisol and improving serotonin levels for better mood regulation.

Better Sleep

Better mental health is associated with better sleep as well. The soothing experience of a relaxing bath can help you get deeper and more restful sleep. With better sleep, you may also feel like you’re more energized and refreshed to take on a new day.

Relieve Muscle Pain

Many athletes use a bath to relieve muscle pain and soreness after a tough workout or injury. But a bath can be a great option for anyone experiencing muscle soreness or joint pain. Adding Epsom salts to the bath may help with muscle pain as well—and it will certainly make your skin feel softer as an added bonus.

Improve Heart Health

A warm bath may increase your heart rate, leading to better circulation and blood flow. A warm bath can also help you breathe more deeply, helping to oxygenate your blood. However, it’s important to note that this may not be a good option for individuals with pre-existing heart conditions, so you’ll want to consult with your doctor if you fall into this category.

Alleviate Respiratory Symptoms

If you’ve ever had a cold or the flu, a warm bath may help alleviate some of your symptoms. The steam from a warm bath can help you breathe a little easier, providing some relief from your symptoms.

Is It Time for a New Bathtub?

Do all of these health benefits make you want to run a bath right now? If your bathtub is cracked, stained, leaking, or otherwise past its prime, you may find yourself wishing you had a new bathtub in your home. Fortunately, Jacuzzi Bath Remodel is here to help. We offer convenient, one-day bathtub replacement services to outfit your bathroom with a gorgeous new Jacuzzi® bathtub. When you turn to us for your Jacuzzi bathtub installation, you’ll receive a durable, attractive, and comfortable bathing enclosure that will allow you to enjoy the many health benefits of taking a bath for years to come. Contact us today if you’re ready to start enjoying a new bathtub in your home.