The Environmental Impact of Showers vs. Baths

May 19, 2022

A man takes a shower in his new Jacuzzi showerAs World Environmental Day approaches, it’s a good time to think about the environmental impact of your day-to-day life. At Jacuzzi Bath Remodel, many people ask us whether they should choose a bath or a shower for their home, and one of the many considerations that may go into that decision is the environmental impact of each option.

Water Usage of Showers vs. Baths

The greatest environmental impact of both showers and baths comes down to water usage. So which option uses less water? As you fill up a bathtub with water or stand in the shower with water pouring over you, it can be difficult to try and guess which option has less of an environmental impact. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a shower will typically be your best bet. A five-to-ten-minute shower uses less than half of the water needed to fill a bathtub. So, as long as you’re not staying in the shower for too long, this will be the most environmentally friendly option to consider.

Improving Your Environmental Impact

While a few minutes in the shower may not seem like much, this adds up to quite a bit of water usage when you multiply that by the number of people in your household and the number of showers in a week, month, or year. If you’re interested in improving your environmental impact in the shower, a great option to consider is a water-saving showerhead. These fixtures are designed to reduce the water output per minute while still providing enough water to enjoy your shower.

Getting a New Shower

If you currently have a bathtub in place or an outdated shower and are interested in an option that’s better for the environment, you can turn to Jacuzzi Bath Remodel for a shower replacement. Contact us today to learn more about our one-day shower replacement services and how they can help reduce your environmental impact.